Get a whole new wardrobe that defines your signature style.
This program is a journey of self-discovery. We explore who you are at your core, what you love, what you gravitate toward, and what your dream wardrobe looks like, then I make your signature style come to life. You end up with a signature wardrobe that will delight you every single day.
Refresh your looks each season and feel on point.
Each season of life has its charm, just like each season of style and fashion has its own charm. This program allows me to refresh your signature looks each season to spice things up and make you feel current and fresh.
Need your stylist in your pocket at the mall.
What would your shopping experience be like if your dressing rooms were already set up with suitable items when you got there? Then your very own expert to tell you what looks best on you and help you combine outfits right there on the spot. I make the shopping experience feel effortless when I SHOP with you.
Want to build a wardrobe but the timing is not right?
This program is perfect for you if you know you need a new wardrobe, but for some reason, you are holding off on investing in a new wardrobe. Maybe you’d like to lose a few pounds or save some money….? This is a smaller investment that will get you a few great impact outfits and make you feel great today as you reach your goals.
Gain confidence in being ready to look and feel great for your next events.
Want a compact mix-and-match wardrobe to prep you for an event or convention that will last you event after event? Then this one is for you. This program is a great fit for you if you need a small dynamic wardrobe for specific events.
Look and feel your best on camera!
This design solution offers you a complete professional set design and instruction on how to show up with your best face forward, and therefore dominate from behind the desk from the waist UP!
We will create a unique signature and on-brand stage in your office for all your video appearances. This includes on-brand background, professional lighting design, technology, show you what to wear on camera and more importantly, what NOT to wear for the camera!
Don’t go another day working on Zoom with strange virtual background or hiding on the “camera off” mode!
Let’s make your office, studio or set a billboard for your brand that you are proud to show up with on camera!
Map out your vision for your BRAND in half a day intensive.
In a three-hour workshop, we map out a vision of your brand. It starts with a BRAND storm and we sift through your entire story to articulate your WHY.
Deliverable: Articulated why, possible brand colors, possible logos ideas, possible brand name, and tagline.
Develop all elements of your brand identity and get a BRANDbox.
Developing a brand is made up of many different elements. With my proprietary process of brand development, we work monthly together until we build a BRAND that is consistent, concise, and cohesive from the logo to the customer journey. Each brand is different in its architecture, so it may take 3 months or 12 months depending on the layers involved, hence lending this program to a monthly retainer style investment.
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